Weegy: The MLA style of in-text citation contains Author's last name and page number of the quotation about the source.
According to MLA style, what is the correct way to identify titles of books in citations?
A. underlining
B. quotes
C. bold text
D. italics
Weegy: According to MLA style, italics is the correct way to identify titles of books in citations.
Which of the following is the term for when an author's ideas are borrowed and re-phrased?
A. Paraphrasing
B. Reworking
C. Paragraphing
D. Reformatting
Weegy: Paraphrasing is the term for when an author's ideas are borrowed and re-phrased.
A student researching a writing project for a course in comparative literature should use which of the following citation styles?
A. APA style
B. ALA style
C. MFA style
D. MLA style
Weegy: A student researching a writing project for a course in comparative literature should use MLA style.
Because web pages are often updated, it's important to include which of the following information in a citation?
A. Web site name
B. Date accessed
C. Article's title
D. Author's name
Weegy: Because web pages are often updated, it's important to include Date accessed in a citation.
MLA style requires a header on each page that's located how far from the top of the page?
A. One-quarter inch
B. One-third inch
C. One inch
D. One-half inch
Weegy: MLA style requires a header on each page that's located one-half inch from the top of the page.
Which of the following is the correct format for an MLA in-text citation for an article with no known author?
A. (Title page)
B. ["Title" page]
C. "Title" page
D. ("Title" page)
Weegy: The MLA format requires that you use Author-page method of in-text citation.
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