Weegy: 26
User: Use the rules for multiplication by powers of 10 to calculate 20 × 100
Weegy: 20 ? 100 = 2,000
User: What's the product of 713 and 82?
Weegy: The product of 713 and 82 is 713 * 82 = 58,466
User: Find the product of 543 and 36
Weegy: The product of 543 and 36 is 19,548.
Which of the number pairs lists the larger number first and then the smaller number?
(More) 3
The number pair (86, 78) lists the larger number first and then the smaller number.
Added 10/7/2023 11:43:42 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Using the rules for multiplication by powers of 10 to calculate 20 × 100 we have 2 × 10^3 = 2000.
Added 10/7/2023 11:50:00 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.