Weegy: Cotton was the economic foundation of the Southern states in the mid-1800s.
User: 5. What name was given to a person who opposed slavery?
Weegy: Abolitionist was name was given to a person who opposed slavery.
User: 6. What name did the pro-slavery rebel states take on when they broke away from the United States?
Weegy: Dixie is the pro-slavery rebel states that took on when they broke away from the United States.
User: 7. Why was the election of 1864 notable?
Weegy: The election of 1864 was notable because it happened despite being in the middle of a Civil War.
User: 8. What former slave brought attention to the issue of slavery through writings and speeches?
Weegy: Frederick Douglass brought attention to the issue of slavery through writings and speeches.
User: 9. Why did many Southerners dislike Carpetbaggers?
Weegy: Many Southerners dislike Carpetbaggers because they took advantage of the political and economic chaos in the South after the Civil War.