Weegy: EOCs can be fixed locations, temporary facilities or virtual structures with staff participating remotely. TRUE.
User: In NIMS, When do managers plan and prepare for the demobilization process
Weegy: In NIMS, managers plan and prepare for the demobilization process At the same time they begin mobilizing resources.
User: In NIMS, resources management task establishes and maintains the readiness of resources and ensures providers are paid in a timely manner
Weegy: Reimburse and Restock resource management task establishes and maintains the readiness of resources and ensures providers are paid in a timely manner.
User: in NIMS, resource inventorying refers to preparedness activities conducted outside of the incident
Weegy: In NIMS, resource inventorying refers to preparedness activities conducted outside of incident response. TRUE.
User: In NIMS, resource inventorying refers to preparedness activities conducted outside of incident response
Weegy: In NIMS, resource inventorying refers to preparedness activities conducted outside of incident response. TRUE.
User: which resource management task enables resource coordination throughout the incident
Weegy: Track and Report resource management task enables resource coordination throughout the incident.
User: Which resource management task enables resource coordination throughout the incident
Weegy: Track and Report resource management task enables resource coordination throughout the incident.
User: EOCs receive senior level guidance from
Weegy: EOCs receive senior level guidance from: MAC Groups.
User: which resource management task determines the type, quantity, receiving location, and users of resources