Weegy: A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun.
User: Locate the gerund and identify its use.
John likes jogging, Great Danes, and sweet rolls.
direct object
predicate noun
object of a preposition
Weegy: John likes jogging, Great Danes, and sweet rolls.
Gerund: Jogging; used as direct object
User: locate the participle and the word it modifies.The essay, written in 1810, is surprisingly modern.Participle:Word modified:
Weegy: The essay, written in 1810, is surprisingly modern.
Participle: Written.
Word Modified: Essay.
User: Locate the verbal in the following sentence and identify its type.
The swiftly flowing stream was icy cold.
Weegy: The swiftly flowing stream was icy cold. The verbal swiftly flowing is a participle.
User: Locate the gerund and identify its use.
The art of stamp collecting is called philately.
direct object
predicate noun
object of a preposition
Weegy: The art of stamp collecting is called philately. Gerund: collecting; used as object of a preposition.