Weegy: The Twenty-First Amendment is the only constitutional amendment that was ratified by the approval of conventions in three fourths of the state.
User: which part of the constitution establishes the legislative branch of the government
Weegy: ARTICLE ONE of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the government.
User: which statement is true of the federalists papers
Weegy: They were written to gain support for the Constitution- is true of The Federalist Papers.
User: all men were given a right to vote in the fifteenth amendment and the women the blank amendment
Weegy: All men were given right to vote in the fifth amendment and woman in the 19th Amendment.
User: the preamble to the constitution does not specify providing for
Weegy: The Preamble to the Constitution does not specify providing for economic equity.
User: under article blank of the constitution the laws of congress and all treaties are the law of the land
Weegy: Under article VI (Six) of the Constitution, the laws of Congress and all treaties are the law of the land.
User: when you buy a U.S. government savings bond your're doing so under the power given to congress to
Weegy: When you buy a U.S. government savings bond, you're doing so under the power given to Congress to borrow money.