Weegy: You should use a SUBORDINATING conjunction to introduce an adverbial clause.
User: choose the correct singular, third person, conjugation of the verb to be in the future perfect tense
Weegy: The correct singular, third person, conjugation of the verb to be in the future perfect tense is: She will have been.
User: which kind of adjective is used most frequently in ordinary speech or writing
Weegy: Common adjectives are used most frequently in ordinary speech or writing.
User: which word in this sentence is an example of an abstract noun? Henry decided he would dedicate the rest of his life to the pursuit of justice
Weegy: Henry decided he would dedicate the rest of his life to the pursuit of justice. ''Justice'' is an abstract noun.
User: which of the following sentences has a helping verb
Weegy: Lisa is in the garden waiting for you. The verb is intransitive.
User: what type of punctuation is most commonly used with interjections
Weegy: Exclamation mark is most commonly used with interjections.
User: which of the following is an interjection
Weegy: An interjection is a word solely designed to convey emotion.