Weegy: The veterinary technician code of ethics was adopted in 1989.
User: which of the following is a requirement of the Controlled Substance Act
Weegy: Definition of REQUIREMENT
: something required: a : something wanted or needed : necessity b : something essential to the existence or occurrence of something else : condition
User: The professional association that represents veterinary technicians is the
Weegy: The professional association that represents veterinary technicians is the: North American Veterinary Technician Association (NAVTA).
User: the organization that certifies laboratory animal technicians is the
Weegy: The organization that certifies laboratory animal technicians (LATs) is the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS).
User: following preventative health care guidelines, how often should a pet receive a physical examination
Weegy: Following preventive health care guidelines, an average pet receive a physical examination at least once a year.
User: veterinarians usually attend college and veterinary school for a combines total of __ years
Weegy: Veterinarians usually attend college and veterinary school for a combined total of EIGHT years.
User: one of the responsibilities of a veterinary practice manager is to