Weegy: Communicative and Withdrawn are Antonyms.
User: Introvert and extrovert
Weegy: Type of personality are: extrovert,introvert.
User: Introvert and extrovert
Weegy: Type of personality are: extrovert,introvert.
User: Dormant and dominant
Weegy: Dormant and Dominant are neither antonyms nor synonyms.
User: Assorted and miscellaneous
Weegy: Assorted and miscellaneous are synonyms.
User: Rational and logical
Weegy: Rational and Logical are synonyms.
User: Scarify and horror
Weegy: Scarify and Horror are neither synonyms nor antonyms.
User: Extrovert and self conscious
Weegy: Extrovert and Self-conscious are antonyms.
User: Freedom and regulation
Weegy: Freedom and Regulation are antonyms.
User: Alienate and estrange
Weegy: Alienate and Estrange are synonyms.
User: Weariness and fatigue
Weegy: Weariness and fatigue are synonyms.
User: Denotative and connotative
Weegy: Now we re going to explain the difference between the denotative and connotative meaning of words. [ This is a bit similar to what we learned about in our last Instruction: the difference between words? literal and figurative meanings.
The denotative meaning of a word is its literal meaning ? the definition you d find in the dictionary. Take the word mother,? for example. The dictionary would define mother as a female parent.? OK, but the word mother? probably creates emotions and feelings in you: it paints a picture in your mind. You may think of love and security or you may think of your own mother. The emotions and feelings that a word creates are called its connotative meaning.
Let us give you another example, the word cat.? The denotative meaning (how the dictionary defines cat ) is: a carnivorous mammal, domesticated as a rat catcher or pet.? But what is its connotative meaning? It depends. If you like cats, the word cat? may suggest graceful motion, affectionate playfulness, noble reserve and admirable self sufficiency. If you ...