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What is/ are one source of sediment along the shoreline and on the seafloor
Weegy: Transport of tidal waves and currents - are one source of sediment along shorelines and on the seafloor. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Updated 235 days ago|5/28/2024 1:39:06 PM
0 Answers/Comments
us will use pressurized air to remove fur from the screen. Ginger will use mild soap and water applying gentle pressure to clean a smudged screen. Who is correctly maintaining the screens?
Weegy: Gus will use pressurized air to remove fur from the screen. Ginger will use mild soap and water applying gentle pressure to clean a smudge screen. Neither is correct. (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:09:37 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following agreements States that the lower house represents the people in the upper house represents the state
Not Answered
Updated 4/16/2022 6:27:06 PM
2 Answers/Comments
Great Compromise stated that the lower house represented the people and the upper house represented the states.
Added 4/16/2022 6:26:50 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
The Great Compromise is the agreement which stated that the lower house represented the people and the upper house represented the states.
Added 4/16/2022 6:27:06 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Which one of the following book titles is capitalized correctly? A. Bridge To Terabithia B. The Fault In our Stars C. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone D. the Hunger Games
Weegy: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is capitalized correctly. (More)
Updated 4/16/2022 6:40:02 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following processes has a directly caused ocean currents to change over earth’s history
Weegy: Continental Drift has directly caused ocean currents to change over earths history. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:13:27 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Mel and Kathleen are discussing the limitations of radiography. Mel says that on a radiograph, thinning of the ventricular wall can't be distinguished from thickening of the ventricular wall. Kathleen says that because some structures might be superimposed on each other, interpretation of the image may be difficult. Who is correct?
Weegy: Mel and Kathleen are discussing the limitations of radiography. Mel says that on a radiograph, thinning of the ventricular wall can't be distinguished from thickening of the ventricular wall. [ Kathleen says that because some structures might be superimposed on each other, interpretation of the image may be difficult. Both are correct. ] (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:11:06 PM
0 Answers/Comments
The member that identifies and assesses risks and provides written plan of proposed countermeasures with cost estimates and wrriten operating procedures to FSC is: A. Tenant Representative B. Security Organization C. Owning/Leasing Authority D. Chairperson
Weegy: The member that identifies and assesses risks and provides written plan of proposed countermeasures with cost estimates and wrriten operating procedures to FSC is: Security Organization User: Which of the following describes the FSC Funding Process? A. starts with briefings by the security organization, then Tenant organizations obtain funding, resulting in three decision points. B. provides systematic process for addressing discussion and decision items (with or without impacts by funding) on the agenda C. can be initiated when the discussions become unproductive, one or more FSC members have funding issues, and/or one or more higher headquarters becomes uncooperative D. assists the FSC in handling these tough decisions and situations. E. Both C and D (More)
Not Answered
Updated 4/16/2022 7:39:01 PM
1 Answer/Comment
Starts with briefings by the security organization, then Tenant organizations obtain funding, resulting in three decision points. -describes the FSC Funding Process.
Added 4/16/2022 7:39:01 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Communicative and withdrawn
Weegy: Communicative and Withdrawn are Antonyms. User: Introvert and extrovert Weegy: Type of personality are: extrovert,introvert. User: Introvert and extrovert Weegy: Type of personality are: extrovert,introvert. User: Dormant and dominant Weegy: Dormant and Dominant are neither antonyms nor synonyms. User: Assorted and miscellaneous Weegy: Assorted and miscellaneous are synonyms. User: Rational and logical Weegy: Rational and Logical are synonyms. User: Scarify and horror Weegy: Scarify and Horror are neither synonyms nor antonyms. User: Extrovert and self conscious Weegy: Extrovert and Self-conscious are antonyms. User: Freedom and regulation Weegy: Freedom and Regulation are antonyms. User: Alienate and estrange Weegy: Alienate and Estrange are synonyms. User: Weariness and fatigue Weegy: Weariness and fatigue are synonyms. User: Denotative and connotative Weegy: Now we re going to explain the difference between the denotative and connotative meaning of words. [ This is a bit similar to what we learned about in our last Instruction: the difference between words? literal and figurative meanings. The denotative meaning of a word is its literal meaning ? the definition you d find in the dictionary. Take the word mother,? for example. The dictionary would define mother as a female parent.? OK, but the word mother? probably creates emotions and feelings in you: it paints a picture in your mind. You may think of love and security or you may think of your own mother. The emotions and feelings that a word creates are called its connotative meaning. Let us give you another example, the word cat.? The denotative meaning (how the dictionary defines cat ) is: a carnivorous mammal, domesticated as a rat catcher or pet.? But what is its connotative meaning? It depends. If you like cats, the word cat? may suggest graceful motion, affectionate playfulness, noble reserve and admirable self sufficiency. If you ... (More)
Updated 8/30/2023 12:45:54 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Introvert and extrovert are antonyms.
Added 8/30/2023 12:45:54 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
The record of legal problems, includes lose of licence, jail, probation, and civil suits
Weegy: The record of legal problems, including loss of license, jail, probation, and civil suits can follow an individual throughout a lifetime. (More)
Updated 12/25/2023 10:48:40 AM
0 Answers/Comments
suffix:affix:: _____ sociolect:dialect dialect:sociolect prefix:root prefix:etymology
Weegy: suffix:affix::sociolect:dialect. Suffix is a subset of affix; sociolect is a subset of dialect. (More)
Updated 12/25/2023 10:54:25 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following statements about the global ocean conveyor belt is correct
Weegy: It reduces temperature fluctuations between seasons in Europe. - is correct about global ocean conveyor belt. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:18:01 PM
0 Answers/Comments
an environmental change is occurring due to continenets shifting and moving to different parts of earth surface what kind of change is this
Weegy: An environmental change is occurring due to continents shifting and moving to different parts of Earth's surface. This is: a long-term change due to tectonic plate movement. (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:19:48 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Because during a radiograph you're taking a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional structure, how many views should you take and at what angle should they be taken?
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Not Answered
Updated 7/5/2023 3:04:08 AM
2 Answers/Comments
Because during a radiograph you're taking a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional structure, how many views should you take and at the angle that should they be taken is: Take two views at right angles to each other.

Added 4/17/2022 3:17:50 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
To account for the fact that radiographs capture a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional structure, it is typically necessary to take multiple views of an area from different angles. The number of views and the specific angles depend on the purpose of the radiographic examination and the area of interest. However, two common views that are often taken at perpendicular angles are the lateral view and the ventrodorsal (VD) or dorsoventral (DV) view.
Added 7/5/2023 3:04:08 AM
Ray and Sofia learned about radiation damage in a webinar. Ray says that somatic damage from radiation exposure is damage to the body that occurs over a period of time. Sofia says that somatic damage can be in the form of sterility and cancer. Who is correct?
Weegy: Ray and Sofia learned about radiation damage in a webinar. Ray says that somatic damage from radiation exposure is damage to the body that occurs over a period of time. Sofia says that somatic damage can be in the form of sterility and cancer. [ Both are correct. ] (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:22:20 PM
0 Answers/Comments
What would you use to provide minimal light in the film-processing darkroom?
Weegy: An environmental change is occurring due to continents shifting and moving to different parts of Earth’s surface. [ This is a long-term change due to tectonic plate movement. ] (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:24:30 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Without a grid, approximately what percentage of radiation reaching the film is scatter radiation?
Weegy: Without a grid, approximately 40 percentage of radiation reaching the film is scatter radiation. (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Updated 311 days ago|3/13/2024 4:40:32 PM
0 Answers/Comments
The imagery of lines 5 and 6 appeals to the sense of _____.
Weegy: The imagery of lines 5 and 6 appeals to the sense of sound. (More)
Updated 311 days ago|3/13/2024 4:43:31 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Alcohol is a
Weegy: Alcohol is a depressant. User: Blank is a positive coping skill (More)
Not Answered
Updated 4/16/2022 7:37:52 PM
1 Answer/Comment
changing one's perspective or reframing the situation to view it as an opportunity is a positive coping skill.
Added 4/16/2022 7:37:52 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
What would you use to provide minimal light in the film-processing darkroom? Question 17 options: A) A 25-watt bulb B) A non-exposure light C) Safelight D) A blue light
Weegy: Safelight would you use to provide minimal light on the film processing darkroom. (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:30:02 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following is cause of eutrophication of a lake
Weegy: Excess nutrients promote the growth of algae is a cause of eutrophication of a lake. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:28:51 PM
0 Answers/Comments
What is/ are one source of sediment along the shoreline and on the seafloor
Weegy: Transport of tidal waves and currents - are one source of sediment along shorelines and on the seafloor. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Updated 235 days ago|5/28/2024 1:39:06 PM
0 Answers/Comments
us will use pressurized air to remove fur from the screen. Ginger will use mild soap and water applying gentle pressure to clean a smudged screen. Who is correctly maintaining the screens?
Weegy: Gus will use pressurized air to remove fur from the screen. Ginger will use mild soap and water applying gentle pressure to clean a smudge screen. Neither is correct. (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:09:37 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following agreements States that the lower house represents the people in the upper house represents the state
Not Answered
Updated 4/16/2022 6:27:06 PM
2 Answers/Comments
Great Compromise stated that the lower house represented the people and the upper house represented the states.
Added 4/16/2022 6:26:50 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
The Great Compromise is the agreement which stated that the lower house represented the people and the upper house represented the states.
Added 4/16/2022 6:27:06 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Which one of the following book titles is capitalized correctly? A. Bridge To Terabithia B. The Fault In our Stars C. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone D. the Hunger Games
Weegy: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is capitalized correctly. (More)
Updated 4/16/2022 6:40:02 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following processes has a directly caused ocean currents to change over earth’s history
Weegy: Continental Drift has directly caused ocean currents to change over earths history. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:13:27 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Mel and Kathleen are discussing the limitations of radiography. Mel says that on a radiograph, thinning of the ventricular wall can't be distinguished from thickening of the ventricular wall. Kathleen says that because some structures might be superimposed on each other, interpretation of the image may be difficult. Who is correct?
Weegy: Mel and Kathleen are discussing the limitations of radiography. Mel says that on a radiograph, thinning of the ventricular wall can't be distinguished from thickening of the ventricular wall. [ Kathleen says that because some structures might be superimposed on each other, interpretation of the image may be difficult. Both are correct. ] (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:11:06 PM
0 Answers/Comments
The member that identifies and assesses risks and provides written plan of proposed countermeasures with cost estimates and wrriten operating procedures to FSC is: A. Tenant Representative B. Security Organization C. Owning/Leasing Authority D. Chairperson
Weegy: The member that identifies and assesses risks and provides written plan of proposed countermeasures with cost estimates and wrriten operating procedures to FSC is: Security Organization User: Which of the following describes the FSC Funding Process? A. starts with briefings by the security organization, then Tenant organizations obtain funding, resulting in three decision points. B. provides systematic process for addressing discussion and decision items (with or without impacts by funding) on the agenda C. can be initiated when the discussions become unproductive, one or more FSC members have funding issues, and/or one or more higher headquarters becomes uncooperative D. assists the FSC in handling these tough decisions and situations. E. Both C and D (More)
Not Answered
Updated 4/16/2022 7:39:01 PM
1 Answer/Comment
Starts with briefings by the security organization, then Tenant organizations obtain funding, resulting in three decision points. -describes the FSC Funding Process.
Added 4/16/2022 7:39:01 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Communicative and withdrawn
Weegy: Communicative and Withdrawn are Antonyms. User: Introvert and extrovert Weegy: Type of personality are: extrovert,introvert. User: Introvert and extrovert Weegy: Type of personality are: extrovert,introvert. User: Dormant and dominant Weegy: Dormant and Dominant are neither antonyms nor synonyms. User: Assorted and miscellaneous Weegy: Assorted and miscellaneous are synonyms. User: Rational and logical Weegy: Rational and Logical are synonyms. User: Scarify and horror Weegy: Scarify and Horror are neither synonyms nor antonyms. User: Extrovert and self conscious Weegy: Extrovert and Self-conscious are antonyms. User: Freedom and regulation Weegy: Freedom and Regulation are antonyms. User: Alienate and estrange Weegy: Alienate and Estrange are synonyms. User: Weariness and fatigue Weegy: Weariness and fatigue are synonyms. User: Denotative and connotative Weegy: Now we re going to explain the difference between the denotative and connotative meaning of words. [ This is a bit similar to what we learned about in our last Instruction: the difference between words? literal and figurative meanings. The denotative meaning of a word is its literal meaning ? the definition you d find in the dictionary. Take the word mother,? for example. The dictionary would define mother as a female parent.? OK, but the word mother? probably creates emotions and feelings in you: it paints a picture in your mind. You may think of love and security or you may think of your own mother. The emotions and feelings that a word creates are called its connotative meaning. Let us give you another example, the word cat.? The denotative meaning (how the dictionary defines cat ) is: a carnivorous mammal, domesticated as a rat catcher or pet.? But what is its connotative meaning? It depends. If you like cats, the word cat? may suggest graceful motion, affectionate playfulness, noble reserve and admirable self sufficiency. If you ... (More)
Updated 8/30/2023 12:45:54 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Introvert and extrovert are antonyms.
Added 8/30/2023 12:45:54 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
The record of legal problems, includes lose of licence, jail, probation, and civil suits
Weegy: The record of legal problems, including loss of license, jail, probation, and civil suits can follow an individual throughout a lifetime. (More)
Updated 12/25/2023 10:48:40 AM
0 Answers/Comments
suffix:affix:: _____ sociolect:dialect dialect:sociolect prefix:root prefix:etymology
Weegy: suffix:affix::sociolect:dialect. Suffix is a subset of affix; sociolect is a subset of dialect. (More)
Updated 12/25/2023 10:54:25 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following statements about the global ocean conveyor belt is correct
Weegy: It reduces temperature fluctuations between seasons in Europe. - is correct about global ocean conveyor belt. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:18:01 PM
0 Answers/Comments
an environmental change is occurring due to continenets shifting and moving to different parts of earth surface what kind of change is this
Weegy: An environmental change is occurring due to continents shifting and moving to different parts of Earth's surface. This is: a long-term change due to tectonic plate movement. (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:19:48 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Because during a radiograph you're taking a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional structure, how many views should you take and at what angle should they be taken?
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Not Answered
Updated 7/5/2023 3:04:08 AM
2 Answers/Comments
Because during a radiograph you're taking a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional structure, how many views should you take and at the angle that should they be taken is: Take two views at right angles to each other.

Added 4/17/2022 3:17:50 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
To account for the fact that radiographs capture a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional structure, it is typically necessary to take multiple views of an area from different angles. The number of views and the specific angles depend on the purpose of the radiographic examination and the area of interest. However, two common views that are often taken at perpendicular angles are the lateral view and the ventrodorsal (VD) or dorsoventral (DV) view.
Added 7/5/2023 3:04:08 AM
Ray and Sofia learned about radiation damage in a webinar. Ray says that somatic damage from radiation exposure is damage to the body that occurs over a period of time. Sofia says that somatic damage can be in the form of sterility and cancer. Who is correct?
Weegy: Ray and Sofia learned about radiation damage in a webinar. Ray says that somatic damage from radiation exposure is damage to the body that occurs over a period of time. Sofia says that somatic damage can be in the form of sterility and cancer. [ Both are correct. ] (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:22:20 PM
0 Answers/Comments
What would you use to provide minimal light in the film-processing darkroom?
Weegy: An environmental change is occurring due to continents shifting and moving to different parts of Earth’s surface. [ This is a long-term change due to tectonic plate movement. ] (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:24:30 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Without a grid, approximately what percentage of radiation reaching the film is scatter radiation?
Weegy: Without a grid, approximately 40 percentage of radiation reaching the film is scatter radiation. (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Updated 311 days ago|3/13/2024 4:40:32 PM
0 Answers/Comments
The imagery of lines 5 and 6 appeals to the sense of _____.
Weegy: The imagery of lines 5 and 6 appeals to the sense of sound. (More)
Updated 311 days ago|3/13/2024 4:43:31 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Alcohol is a
Weegy: Alcohol is a depressant. User: Blank is a positive coping skill (More)
Not Answered
Updated 4/16/2022 7:37:52 PM
1 Answer/Comment
changing one's perspective or reframing the situation to view it as an opportunity is a positive coping skill.
Added 4/16/2022 7:37:52 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
What would you use to provide minimal light in the film-processing darkroom? Question 17 options: A) A 25-watt bulb B) A non-exposure light C) Safelight D) A blue light
Weegy: Safelight would you use to provide minimal light on the film processing darkroom. (More)
Question|Asked by natashavale1025
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:30:02 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following is cause of eutrophication of a lake
Weegy: Excess nutrients promote the growth of algae is a cause of eutrophication of a lake. (More)
Question|Asked by Ericarawson
Expert Answered
Asked 4/16/2022 6:28:51 PM
0 Answers/Comments
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