Weegy: ''Kevin was relieved the meeting was over by noon'' is a sentence that uses prepositions correctly.
User: which of the following singular nouns changes vowels when made plural? sheep, boy, bison, mouse
Weegy: The following singular noun changes vowels when made plural: Mouse.
User: What error in parallelism is made in the following sentence? Not only vacuuming, but the family wants to Dustin strain of the whole house.
Weegy: Not only vacuuming, but the family wants to dust and straighten up the whole house. This sentence makes an error in parallelism because: It changes subjects.
User: Which of the following is a complex sentence that contains a dependent adverbial clause? Mark expects to photo to arrive when the letter arrives, Mark expects the photo to arrive late, Mark expect the photo to arrive in damage condition, Mark expects the photo to arrive on Tuesday
Weegy: The following is a complex sentence that contains a dependent adverbial clause:
Mark expects the photo to arrive when the letter arrives.
User: What’s missing from the following sentence? The sparkling blue bicycle with a brand new tires and comfortable seat.
Weegy: In the sentence "The sparkling blue bicycle with the brand new tires and comfortable seat", a predicate is missing.
User: which of the following is the best advice for using commas correctly? Use a comma between every independent clause, use a comma every time you would pause if you were reading a sentence out loud, use commas in a way that will help you convey your ideas clearly, if there is any doubt, always use a comma
Weegy: The following is the best advice for using commas correctly: Use a comma every time you would pause if you were reading a sentence [ aloud.
User: Which of these sentences contains a prepositional phrase? Trolls live under bridges; elves do not. You may think otherwise, but what I tell you is true. Where did you find the papers that I lost? To be, or not to be: that is the ...