Weegy: [poems by Robert frost] English US query has the non-visit-in-person intent .
User: A list of community piano schools in the U.S.
Weegy: Some of the community piano schools in the U.S. are as follows: 1. University of North Texas in Denton, TX. 2. University of Maryland in College Park, MD. 3. The Pennsylvania State University in University Park, PA. 4. [ [ San Francisco Conservatory of Music in San Francisco, CA. And many more here.
User: A result with information on rates for ballet and modern dance classes.
Weegy: A result for information on rates for ballet and modern dance classes should be rated Fails to Meet for the query [piano lessons], English (US).
User: All queries have only one intent: Know, Do, Website, or Visit-in-Person intent.
Weegy: All queries have only one intent: Know, Do, Website, or Visit in Person Intent. FALSE.
User: The intent of a Do query is to accomplish a goal or engage in an activity on a phone.
Weegy: The intent of a Do query is to accomplish a goal or engage in an activity on a phone. TRUE.
User: The intent of a Website query is to find information.
Weegy: The intent of a website query is to find information. TRUE
User: Wikipedia pages should get high ratings for all user intents because information is always helpful.
Weegy: Wikipedia pages should get high ratings for all user intents because information is always helpful. FALSE.
User: [Miami weather], English (US)