Weegy: Programmatic Environmental Assessments could be completed prior to a disaster.
User: Which of the following could be completed prior to a disaster?
A. A Disaster-Specific MOU
B. The Template Checklist for FEMA/HUD
C. Programmtic Environmental Assessments
D. None of the above
Weegy: Programmatic Environmental Assessments could be completed prior to a disaster.
User: Which of the following could be used during disaster recovery to enhance EHP review?
A. FEMA's Prototype Programmatic Agreement
B. Endangered Species Act Matrix
C. Applicant Guide
D. All of the above
Weegy: FEMA s Prototype Programmatic Agreement, Endangered Species Act Matrix, and Applicant Guide -could be used during disaster recovery to enhance EHP review. The answer is all of the above.
User: Based on the disaster scenario timeline, which of the following is not an aspect of Recovery Planning?
A. Impacts analysis is conducted
B. Interagency forms and data collection used to simplify reviews
C. Disaster-Specific MOUs adopted
D. Practitioner Guidance helps with efficient and informed impacts analysis and better decisions