Weegy: Year 1970 saw the greatest increase in the adjusted CPI.
User: What might account for the greater increases in adjusted CPI in the late 1960s compared to the mid-1960s?
Weegy: Increased involvement in the Vietnam War, Great Society programs fully in effect might account for the greater increases in adjusted CPI in the late 1960s compared to the mid-1960s.
User: Why might inflation be bad for American consumers?
Weegy: Inflation erodes the value of cash and thus purchasing power. Unless income increases at the same rate, people are worse off. [ -is why inflation might be bad for American consumers.
User: In August of 1974, President Nixon resigned and his Vice President, Gerald Ford, took over as president. In 1976, Ford would have to compete in an election to keep his job as President. Based on what you've read about Ford's actions, why would Ford have a hard time winning in the election of 1976?
(More) 3
In August of 1974, President Nixon resigned and his Vice President, Gerald Ford, took over as president. In 1976, Ford would have to compete in an election to keep his job as President. Based on what you’ve read about Ford’s actions, Ford had a hard time winning in the election of 1976 because: Ford lacked the strong hold on voter's emotions that most incumbents had; Watergate scandal may have some bearing on defeat of Ford as well.
Added 4/24/2022 5:32:04 AM
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