Weegy: Dramas are meant to be read, but also heard and seen.
User: One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy
Weegy: One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy usually features an extraordinary hero.
User: When humanism spread and affected literature, authors and dramatists began writing about
Weegy: When humanism spread and affected literature, authors and dramatists began writing about human psychology.
User: Just as books have chapters, place are divided up into
Weegy: Just as books have chapters, plays are divided up into Acts.
User: Dramatic irony means that
Weegy: Dramatic irony is when the words and actions of the characters of a work of literature have a different meaning for the reader than they do for the characters.
User: Shakespeare often used mistaken identity as a device in his
Weegy: Shakespeare often used mistaken identity as a device in his comedies.
User: When reading a play, the reader has to imagine the
Weegy: When reading a play, the reader has to imagine the details of setting and characters' appearance.
User: In a drama, an "extra" is a character that is
Weegy: In a drama, an "extra" is a character that is unimportant.
User: The character of a clown or full and Shakespeare's plays is often
Weegy: The character of a clown or fool in Shakespeare's plays is often: Wiser than expected.
User: According to Renaissance philosophy, commoners often represent
Weegy: According to Renaissance philosophy, commoners often represent: APPETITE.
User: A Shakespearean play that focuses on the flaws and mistakes of protagonist is known as a
Weegy: A Shakespearean play that focuses on the flaws and mistakes of the protagonists is known as a: tragedy.
User: Which of the following is an example of dramatic irony?
Weegy: (More)