Weegy: When you are driving on a rural road, if your right wheels run off the pavement, you should hold the steering wheel firmly and Take your foot off the gas pedal. [ Then brake lightly until you are moving at low speed.
User: You are driving on a multi-lane road, and are following the vehicle in front of you at a safe distance. But then a car changes lanes into the gap in front of you, and slows down because the gap in front of them is too small. You should
Weegy: You are driving on a multi lane road and are following the vehicle in front of you at a safe distance. But then a car changes lanes into the gap in front of you, and slows down because the gap in front of them is to small. You should: Slow Down and drop back to a safe following distance behind slowing car.
User: #8 You are driving on a rural road and see a person on the shoulder ahead, riding or leading an animal. You should
Speed up, to get past them quickly.
Slow down to a speed only a little bit faster than the walking animal, and slowly pass them.
Use reasonable care, and don't make any loud noises when approaching them, to avoid frightening the animal.