Weegy: Women participate in Latin American revolution as Soldiers.
User: Before the enlightenment, how do people learn about the world
Weegy: Before the Enlightenment, people learned about the world: Through the teaching of the church and other authorities.
User: Where did Britain and other industrialized nations get most of the raw materials they need to make goods
Weegy: Their colonies is where did Britain and other industrialized nations get most of the raw materials they needed to make goods.
User: The significance of the Haitian revolution was that
Weegy: The significance of the Haitian Revolution was that it was the only successful slave revolt in [ history.
User: What was an outcome of the war for independence in Latin America
Weegy: Livestock and agriculture were damaged and destroyed. [ -was an outcome of the wars for independence in Latin America.
User: What’s the primary cause for how Russia industrialized at the most rapid rate of all European powers
Weegy: Government Involvement was the primary cause for how Russia industrialized at the most rapid rate of all European powers.
User: Some colonized peoples found opportunities for advancement through what means
Weegy: Some colonized people found opportunities for advancement through: education.
User: The unwritten agreement that people makes to follow laws in exchange for themselves and their property is called