Weegy: When the present participle of a verb is used in conjunction with a helping verb, the verb is referred to as progressive.
User: adverbs can modify all of the following except
Weegy: An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, other adverb, determiner, noun phrase, clause, or sentence.
User: what type of action do progressive verbs show
Weegy: A transitive verb is a verb that can take a direct object.
User: what type of action do progressive verbs show singular present perfect future continuous
Weegy: Progressive verbs show a continuous type of action.
User: what should be added when an adverb begins a sentence
Weegy: An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, determiner, noun phrase, clause, or sentence.
User: which one of these words should not be used in the comparative or superlative degree absolute wealthy sweet smart
Weegy: The word ABSOLUTE should not be used in the comparative or superlative degree.
User: every preposition must have a
Weegy: Every preposition must have an: object.
User: fanboys is a memory device to help students remember what type of cunjunctions
Weegy: FANBOYS is used to help remember Coordinating conjunctions.
User: which one of the following examples contains a subordinating conjunction
Weegy: Charlotte swept the floor after she finished cooking. - contains a subordinating conjunction. (after)
User: in which one of the following sentences is but used as a preposition
Weegy: We discovered that Candy will do anything but work. - is the sentence in which but is used as a preposition.
User: which one of the following statements about regular verbs is correct
Weegy: A transitive verb is a verb that can take a direct object.
User: which one of the following statements about irregular verbs is correct
Weegy: Irregular verb is a verb in which the past tense is not formed by adding the usual -ed ending.
User: complete the following sentence by adding ...