Weegy: A person who is 15 years old has a maximum heart rate of 205.
User: Which one of the following types of training involves 10 to 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise
Weegy: Medium range training involves 10 to 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise.
User: A person who is 15 years old has a target heart rate range of
Weegy: A person who is 15 years old has a target heart rate range of 114-152.
User: The best cardiorespiratory workout is one that
Weegy: The best cardiorespiratory workout is one that you'll perform on a regular basis.
User: The warm-up period of a workout is important because it
Weegy: The warm-up period of a workout is important because it slowly and safely raises heart rate.
User: hormones released during exercise that can cause a person to get "physically high" are known as