Weegy: The definition for the "Protection" mission area is secure the homeland against terrorism and man made or natural disasters.
User: The Unified Coordination Group:
A. Directs the tactics employed at the incident site.
B. Is a state-level group comprised of the heads of each Emergency Support Function (ESF).
C. Is a temporary Federal facility.
D. Provides coordination leadership at the Joint Field Office.
Weegy: The Unified Coordination Group: provides coordination leadership at the Joint Field Office.
User: A MAC Group is:
A. The central location from which off-scene activities supported by the state or tribal government are coordinated.
B. A coordination center that expands to become an interagency facility in anticipation of a serious incident or immediately following an incident.
C. FEMA’s focal point for national resource coordination.
D. Composed of senior officials, such as agency administrators, executives, or their designees, who are authorized to represent or commit agency resources and funds in support of incident activities.
Weegy: A MAC Group is: Composed of senior officials, such as agency administrators, executives, or their designees, who are authorized to represent or commit agency resources and funds in support of incident activities.
User: Which government entity can elect to deal directly with the Federal Government for federal disaster assistance?
A. Private sector
B. Tribal government
C. State-level senators and congressmen
D. Local government
Weegy: Tribal governments can elect to go to the state for disaster assistance or deal directly with the Federal government.