Weegy: The jurisdiction or organization with primary responsibility for the incident designates the Incident Commander and the process for transferring command.
User: Which ICS functional area arranges for resources and needed services to support achievement of the incident objectives?
Weegy: Logistics arranges for resources and needed services to support achievement of the incident objectives.
User: Which Section organizes, assigns, and supervises tactical response resources?
Weegy: The Operations Section organizes, assigns, and supervises tactical response resources.
User: The NIMS Management Characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command means that each person:
Weegy: The NIMS Management Characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command means that each person reports to only one ICS supervisor.
User: Major activities of the Planning Section include:
Weegy: The major activities of the Planning Section include: Preparing and documenting Incident Action Plans.