Weegy: x/100 = 496/1240
496 is 40% of 1240.
User: What is the percentage of 320
Weegy: 320/600 *100 =53.33%
320 of 600 can be wriiten as:
Multiply both numerator & denominator by 100
= 53.33%.
User: If i spend 219.00 on car payment and i make 3,200 a month, what percent of my monthly income is spent on my car payment?
Weegy: If Tara spends $219 a month for her car payment and she makes $3,200 a month, 6.8% of her monthly income is spent on her car payment. Solution: (219/3200)*100 = 6.8%.
User: A car dealer sold five cars for the following profits: 10,126, 9,999, 12,398, 12, 007, and 4567. What was the mean for the profits if the sales?
Weegy: A car dealer recently sold five cars for the following profits: $10,126, $9,999, $12,398, $12,007, and $4,567. The mean for the profits of the sales is $9,819.40. Mean = (10,126 + 9,999 + 12,398 + 12,007 + 4,567)/5 Mean = 49,097/5 Mean = 9,819.40
User: How many feet are in 24 yards
Weegy: There are 72 feet in 24 yards.
User: John owns a condominium with an assessed value of 110,000. If the rate is 25 mills per 1.00 of assessed valuation, how much tax does he pay
Weegy: John and Mary Billings own a condominium with an assessed value of 110,000. If the tax rate is 25 mills per $1.00 of assessed valuation, $2,750 tax paid.
25 mills = 25 per 1000 valuation, so it's 25 x 110 = $2750.00.
User: A room has an area of 121ft2 but carpeting is only dold in m2. How much carpeting is needed to catpet the room?
Weegy: A room has an area of 121 ft2 but carpeting is only sold in m2. 11.24 m² of carpeting is needed to carpet the room. Solution:
1 ft² = 0.09290304 m²;
121 ft² = 0.09290304 × 121 m²
= 11.24 m².
User: Phils total car sales amounted to 27,650.00, and he received 1382.50 in commission. What is his rate of commission
Weegy: Phil Smith a car salesman. Last week his total sales amounted to $27,650.00 and he received $1,382.50 in commission. The rate of ...