Weegy: Ecommerce is buying and selling goods online.
User: what is buying and selling good online
Weegy: E-commerce is buying and selling goods online.
User: violations of digital law can include
Weegy: Violations of digital law can include file sharing, identity theft, and copyright infringement.
User: what allows companies to offer personalized content based on their interests or shopping expierence
Weegy: Personalized Marketing allows companies to offer people personalized content based on their interests or shopping experience.
User: types of online media that can be protected by copyright include
Weegy: Types of online media that can be protected by copyright include books, art, music and movies.
User: The electronic communications privacy act allows the government to have access to
Weegy: The Electronic Communications Privacy Act allows the government to have access to e-mails stored online.
User: what are ethics
Weegy: Ethics, sometimes known as philosophical ethics, ethical theory, moral theory, and moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct, often addressing disputes of moral diversity.