Weegy: Motor-voter laws is the law that requires states to make voter registration materials available at driver-licensing and motor vehicles offices.
User: What is the purpose of voter registration?
Weegy: It is intended to prevent fraudulent voting is the purpose of voter registration.
User: Summarize the three main effects of third parties on American politics.
Weegy: The three main effects of third parties on American politics are: Third parties offer another option to voters who don't want to vote for either of the major parties, [ They have told political leaders the actual concerns of voters,
and They have occasionally affected the outcome of national elections.
User: How is a special issue interest group like the AARP different from an organized labor interest group?
Weegy: A special issue interest group like the AARP different from an organized labor interest group by: Special issues groups talk about issues of public concern, [ like the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) helps the concerns of older people.
User: Summarize three main things interest groups do to get laws passed in their favor.
Weegy: Three main things interest groups do to get laws passed in their favor: Interest groups try to get laws passed in their favor through a member with education, using the media, [ and then hiring lobbyists.
User: Members of Congress get benefits from lobbyists. What are they?
Weegy: The benefit members of Congress get from lobbyists is financial - lobbyists raise money for campaigns which influence policy. Lobbying facilitates communication between the public and lawmakers.
User: What are excise taxes?
Weegy: An excise tax is an indirect tax on the sale of a particular good or service such as fuel, tobacco and alcohol.
User: What are the two main sources of income for the federal government?
Weegy: A federal system is both a political and philosophical concept that describes how power is given to governments. ...