Weegy: Nicotine is a form of stimulants.
User: A person working is killed in a collision every
Weegy: A person is killed in a collision every 14 minutes.
User: taking sedating anti depressants even hours before driving is equal to driving impaired
Weegy: Taking sedating antidepressants even 10 hours before driving is equal to driving impaired.
Weegy: BAC stands for "Blood Alcohol Concentration."
User: narcotics are pain killing drugs
Weegy: Narcotics are any drugs that cause central nervous system (CNS) depression and can have a high abuse.
User: narcotics are pain killing drugs
Weegy: Narcotics are any drugs that cause central nervous system (CNS) depression and can have a high abuse.
User: alcohols effect on a persons vision causes
Weegy: Alcohol's effect on on a person's vision causes their eye muscles to relax to the point that they can't focus and their pupils take longer to adjust to changes in light, [ allowing them to be blinded by the glare of headlights.
User: refusing to submit to a sobriety test is your right by law
Weegy: Refusing to submit to a sobriety right by law. FALSE.
User: having less than one drink can impair your driving
Weegy: Having less than one drink can impair your driving. TRUE.
User: the number on the speed limit sign is
Weegy: A speed sign is an example of a REGULATORY sign.
User: are at higher risk when they drink and drive
Weegy: New, inexperienced drivers are at higher risk when they drink and drive.
User: the shape of the sign warns you of what is ahead
Weegy: The shape of a sign warns you of what is ahead.
User: there are more than five million crashes that occur in this country every year
Weegy: There are more than five million crashes that occur in this country every year. TRUE.
User: the cost to society for underage alcohol use is more that $ per year for ever man woman and child in the united states