Weegy: The goal of the National Organization of Women was: to take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, [ assuming all the privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men.
User: _ was the scandal involving a break in at the democratic headquarters and president nixons cover up of the incident
Weegy: "Watergate scandal" was the scandal involving a break-in at the Democratic headquarters and President Nixon's cover-up of the incident.
User: Which of the following could be considered a cause of the 2007-2008 economic crash ?
Weegy: Too many risky loans given out would be considered a cause of the 2007-2008 economic crash.
User: What was the main issue hurting jimmy carters re election chances in the presidential election ?
Weegy: Poor economy was the main issue hurting Jimmy Carter's reelection chances in the presidential election of [ 1980.
User: What company introduced the personal computer in 1977
Weegy: The APPLE company introduced the personal computer in 1977.
User: What Anne was given to Americans who opposed the war effort in Vietnam
Weegy: The name given to Americans who opposed the war effort in Vietnam was: Doves.
User: Which of the following hurt Kenny’s chances of winning the 1960 election
Weegy: A factor that hurt Kennedy's chances of winning the election of 1960 is his Catholic religion.
User: What term is used to describe a group of people that would reject social values of the greater society