Weegy: You might expect "Moving Through the Darkness" to focus on the adventures of a guide dog for the blind.
User: previewing is a method used to
Weegy: Previewing is a method used to pick up clues about written material.
User: you spot a small bird with bright yellow feathers on your back porch, which one of the following books might be a good place to find out what kind of bird you've seen?
Weegy: You spot a small bird with bright yellow feathers on your back porch. [ North American Birds Illustrated might be a good place to find out what kind of bird you've seen.
User: the word settled has more than one meaning in which one of the following sentences is settled used incorrectly
Weegy: Mavis decided that small-town life was settled, is the sentence where the word settled was used incorectly.
User: the library had been asked for months to expand its hours. Students complained they couldn't study at night because the library closed too early. Families felt too limited by the brief weekend hours. Although the library staff wanted to cooperate, the city budget did not have a spare funds for the extra hours, there was nothing the staff could do