Weegy: In sustainable communities, decisions made by the present generation will Not reduce the options of future generations.
User: Which of the following documents establishes a common platform and forum for coordinating and addressing how the nation manages risk through mitigation capabilities?
A. FEMA Incident Management and Support Keystone
B. National Incident Management System
C. National Response Framework
D. National Mitigation Framework
Weegy: National Mitigation Framework establishes a common platform and forum for coordinating and addressing how the nation manages risk through mitigation capabilities.
User: Which of the following is included in a hazard profile?
A. The location that would be affected
B. The magnitude or severity of the hazard
C. The probability, likelihood, or frequency of the event occurring
D. Any past occurrences of the hazard events in or near the community
E. All of the above
Weegy: e) All of the above
User: Which of the following programs is headed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)?
A. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery
C. The Silver Jacket
D. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
Weegy: National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program is headed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
User: Risk is susceptibility to physical injury, harm, damage, or economic loss.
Weegy: Risk is susceptibility to physical injury, harm, damage, or economic loss. FALSE.
User: ______ is one of the four types of hazard mitigation actions.
A. Global plans and regulations
B. Natural systems protection
C. Situational awareness
D. Risk assessment
Weegy: 'Natural systems protection' is one of the four types of hazard mitigation actions.
User: Hazards exist _______ of people and land development.
A. with or without the presence
B. only with the presence
C. only in absence
D. depending on the number