Weegy: If you are charged with reckless driving your case will most likely be presented to a court of limited jurisdiction.
User: Why did elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts redraw the congressional districts in his state
Weegy: To give his party unfair political advantage is the reason Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts redrew the Congressional districts in his state.
User: A can be used in the senate to stop a bill from being passed
Weegy: A filibuster can be used in the Senate to stop a bill from being passed.
User: In the house, the assigns a bill to a committee
Weegy: In the House, the speaker assigns a bill to a committee.
User: The right to remain silent when arrested or interrogated is guaranteed under
Weegy: The right to remain silent when arrested or interrogated is guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment.
User: By law all tax laws must originate with the
Weegy: By law, all tax laws must originate with the the House of Representatives.
User: Regarding use of the media, spin can best be defined as