Weegy: You are driving on a multi lane road and are following the vehicle in front of you at a safe distance. But then a car changes lanes into the gap in front of you, and slows down because the gap in front of them is to small. [ You should: Slow Down and drop back to a safe following distance behind slowing car.
User: You are driving in rainy weather on a highway with brushes and trees along the sides of the road if you’re driving too fast and if vehicle goes off the road you should
Weegy: You are driving in rainy weather, on a highway with bushes and trees along the sides of the road. [ If you are driving too fast and your vehicle goes off the road, you should brake as effectively as you can, and steer to avoid trees if you hit something aim for the bushes.
User: You are driving a car on the highway and you see this traffic sign
Weegy: You are driving your car on a highway, and you see this traffic sign. If the yellow light on the sign is flashing, it means you should proceed with caution and yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
User: When you have probably park your vehicle in a straight in parking space your vehicle will be
Weegy: When you have properly parked your vehicle in a straight-in parking space, your vehicle will be centered inside the space with no part of the vehicle extending out in the traffic lane.
User: When driving on an expressway if you want to change names you should signal and
Weegy: When driving on an expressway, if you want to change lanes you should signal and Look to make sure your blind spot is clear.
User: You are driving on a multilane road with a single solid white line paint in between each lane of traffic moving in the direction
Weegy: You are driving a on a multi-lane road with a single solid white line painted between each lane of traffic moving in your direction: You should not change lanes unless you must do so to avoid a hazard. [ ]
User: You are approaching an intersection and I ...