Weegy: Potassium-argon dating and half-life isotopes were able to determine when continental crust was formed.
User: The period was in the Mesozoic era lasted for about 80.5 million years and was preceded by the Jurassic period
Weegy: The Cretaceous period was in the Mesozoic era, lasted for approximately 80.5 million years, and was preceded by the Jurassic period.
User: during the carboniferous period, What were largely responsible for regulating the climate on landmasses
Weegy: During the Carboniferous period, large oceans were largely responsible for regulating the climate on land masses.
User: Why is the horseshoe crab an example of a living fossil
Weegy: The horseshoe crab is an example of a living fossil because they have existed nearly unchanged for at least 445 million years, well before even dinosaurs existed.
User: What is one of the environmental waste products of nuclear energy
Weegy: Acid rain, Radioactive isotopes, Greenhouse gases and Eutrophic water are the environmental waste products of nuclear energy.
User: When did Cyanobacteria start producing pure oxygen
Weegy: Cyanobacteria started producing pure oxygen after the Proterozoic eon.
User: Why is open pit mining so devastating to the environment
Weegy: Open pit mining is so devastating to the environment because It exposes dangerous chemicals buried in the earth's crust.
User: What’s one cause of the heat island effect