Weegy: A well-stocked first-aid kit should include:Sterile gauze in assorted sizes.
User: before starting and exercise program a person should always
Weegy: Before beginning an exercise program, a person should always: have a medical exam to make sure it's safe to begin exercising.
User: too much arousal in an athlete can lead to
Weegy: Too much arousal in an athlete can lead to increased muscle tension and attention deficits, thus decreasing performance.
User: feeling slightly uncomfortable during exercise
Weegy: Feeling slightly uncomfortable during exercise is completely normal and is to be expected.
User: alternating between running and walking
Weegy: Alternating between running and walking can help lessen the damaging effects that running has on the body.
User: when a body part is injured it should be
Weegy: When a body part is injured, it should be Rested.
User: which of the following choices is a mental symptom of distress
Weegy: Sleep disorders is a mental symptom of distress.
User: the bad type of stress is known as
Weegy: The bad type of stress is called distress.
User: which of the following chemicals does the body produce during exercise