Weegy: Medium range involves 10 to 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise.
User: Some people prefer interval training because
Weegy: Some people prefer interval training because it's performed with speed and may not cause boredom.
User: Experts agree that the minimum time period for cardiorespiratory benefits from exercise is - - - minutes
Weegy: Experts agree that the minimum time period for cardiorespiratory benefit from exercise is 20 minutes.
User: The best cardiorespiratory workout is one that
Weegy: The best cardiorespiratory workout is one that you'll perform on a regular basis.
User: VO2MAX is
Weegy: VO2 max is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during incremental exercise.
User: The beginning of every workout should start with
Weegy: The beginning of every workout should start with a WARM-UP.
User: A person who is 15 years old has a target heart rate range of
Weegy: A person who is 15 years old has a target heart rate range of 114-152.
User: What is the ideal length of time for a cool down following an intense workout
Weegy: 5 to 15 minutes is the ideal length of time for a cool-down following an intense workout.
User: A person who is 15 has a maximum heart rate of
Weegy: A person who is 15 years old has a maximum heart rate of 205.
User: Swimming alone
Weegy: Swimming alone: is never a good idea.
User: Thw best surface to run on is one thats
Weegy: The best surface to run on is one that's smooth and soft so that it can cushion the stresses of running.
User: Interval training
Weegy: Interval training is a type of training that involves a series of low- to high-intensity workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods.