Weegy: A warm and humid day with a wind moving in the same direction as the sound would result in the highest velocity for a sound wave traveling through air.
User: Which one of the following types of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluoresce
Weegy: Ultraviolet rays is the type of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluoresce.
User: The work of which scientists helped to explain lights ability to propagate through a vacuum
Weegy: The work of Davisson and Germer helped to explain light's ability to propagate through a vacuum.
User: Which of the following values represents an index of refraction of an actual material
Weegy: The value 1.25 represents an index of refraction of an actual material.
User: The longest wavelength within the visible spectrum is ___light
Weegy: The longest wavelength within the visible spectrum is RED light.
User: If you were trying to build a soundproof room which of the following materials would you choose to absorb the most sound based on the coefficient of absorption for each material
Weegy: If you were trying to build a soundproof room, you would choose Concrete in order to absorb the most sound, based on the coefficient of absorption for each material.
User: What statement is the about vibrations
Weegy: A vibration is a rapid linear motion of a particle or of an elastic solid about an equilibrium position.
User: The event that takes place in a story makes up the story s