Weegy: Union friendly best describes labor laws passed during the New Deal.
User: Based on what you've read, what seems to be the overall result of government laws on wages?
Weegy: Reduced supply of labor, higher wages seems to be the overall result of government laws on wages.
User: What type of insurance protects against damages or injuries to other persons?
Weegy: Liability insurance protects against damages or injuries to other persons.
User: Why might location be important when searching for a job?
Weegy: Location might be important when searching for a job because some industries are located only in certain areas.
User: What government program provides hospital and medical care benefits to people age 65 or older?
Weegy: "Medicare" provides hospital and medical care benefits to people age 65 or older.
User: Comparing products according to price per ounce is an example of what shopping strategy?
Weegy: Comparing products according to price per ounce is an example of Unit pricing.
User: The purpose of insurance is to
Weegy: The purpose of insurance is to provide protection to insured in case of any uncertain event.
User: When a bank evaluates a person for a loan, what does the word "capacity" refer to?
Weegy: When a bank evaluates a person for a loan, the word "capacity" refers to the ability to make payments on time.
User: Which federal agency insures savings deposits?
Weegy: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures savings deposits.
User: Why are professional associations interested in keeping professional standards high?
Weegy: A few dishonest professionals can hurt the entire profession. -is why professional associations are interested in keeping professional standards high.
User: A high-skill job has a lower supply of potential workers than a low-skill job because
Weegy: A high-skill job has a lower supply of potential workers than a low-skill job because: only a small number of people will have ...