Weegy: Ben and Alison have decided to turn their large farmhouse into a bed-and-breakfast business. One of the benefits they're likely to enjoy is a profit margin of 15 20 percent. [ ]
User: The overwhelming majority of existing businesses are
A. close corporations.
B. corporations.
C. partnerships.
D. sole proprietorships.
Weegy: The overwhelming majority of existing businesses are sole proprietorships.
User: he best way to find out if a particular business is a good fit for you is to
A. try the business for two years, then sell it if it's not right for you.
B. talk to customers to see what they expect in a service.
C. "shadow" an owner for several days to see what's really involved.
D. take a personality test and go with its recommendation
Weegy: The best way to find out if a particular business is a good fit for you is to: "shadow" an owner for several days to see what's really involved.
User: Steve Burton recently sold the bookstore he inherited from his mother because his income had fallen three years in a row. The new owner installed a coffee machine, redecorated the children's corner, chats with her customers, and remembers their preferences. She reports a 43 percent increase in sales over Steve's last year. The change is most likely due to
A. a general upswing in the retail book business.
B. the owner's personality.
C. more advertising.
D. beginner's luck