Weegy: Helping a coworker with a task when you're done with your task represents a productive way to maintain a horizontal relationship.
User: Which of these is a way to be sure that products or services are acceptable to customers
Weegy: Quality control is a way to be sure that products or services are acceptable to customers.
User: To maintain good balance in a horizontal relationship, you must
Weegy: To maintain good balance in a horizontal relationship, you must work productively and share responsibility for the success of the team.
User: A … relationship exists between an employee and a supervisor
Weegy: A VERTICAL relationship exists between an employee and a supervisor.
User: Reinforcement , contact, honesty, and fair expectations are
Weegy: Reinforcement, contact, honesty, and fair expectations are ways of of maintaining relationships.
User: The main reason a person becomes a supervisor is
Weegy: The main reason a person becomes a supervisor is work-related knowledge.
User: In a relationship between an employee and supervisor, who must do most of the adjusting
Weegy: In a vertical relationship between an employee and supervisor, the employee must adjust.