Weegy: Staging Area is used to temporarily position and account for personnel, supplies, and equipment awaiting assignment.
User: Incident information is used across ICS, EOCs, MAC Groups, and JIS to aid in planning, determine incident costs, and identify safety issues.
Weegy: Incident information is used across ICS, EOCs, MAC Groups, and JIS to aid in planning, determine incident costs, and identify safety issues. TRUE.
User: Which NIMS structure develops, recommends, and executes public information plans and strategies
Weegy: Joint Information System (JIS) develops, recommends, and executes public information plans and strategies in NIMS.
User: Which resource management task determines the type, quantity, receiving location, and users of resources
Weegy: Identify Requirements resource management task determines the type, quantity, receiving location, and users of resources.
User: The MAC Group does not replace the primary functions of EOCs or other dispatch organizations
Weegy: The MAC Group does not replace the primary functions of EOCs or other dispatch organizations. TRUE.
User: Which NIMS Management Characteristic refers to the number of subordinates that directly report to a supervisor
Weegy: Manageable Span of Control refers to the number of subordinates that directly report to a supervisor.
User: The three NIMS guiding principles are
Weegy: The three NIMS guiding principles are: Flexibility, Standardization, and Unity of Effort.
User: NIMS is applicable to all stakeholders with incident related responsibilities
Weegy: NIMS is applicable to all stakeholders with incident related responsibilities. TRUE.
User: Which resource management activity establishes common definitions for capabilities of personnel, equipment, teams, supplies, and facilities
Weegy: Resource typing is a resource management activity establishes common definitions for capabilities of personnel, equipment, teams, supplies, and facilities.
User: Which ...