Weegy: Congress responded to the railroad industry making agreements to reduce competition and keep prices high in the late 1800's by creating the Interstate Commerce Commission.
User: What Indigenous American began the Ghost Dance to bring the savior to free the tribes from white Americans
Weegy: Wovoka was the Native American who began the Ghost Dance to bring the savior to free the tribes from white Americans.
User: Which of the following was a reason for rapid growth of boom towns in the west during late 1800s?
Weegy: The discovery of valuable minerals. - was a reason for the rapid growth of boom towns in the West during the late 1800s.
User: What name given to journalism that focused on eye-catching stories and not necessarily the truth?
Weegy: Yellow journalism was given to journalism that focused on eye-catching stories and not necessarily the truth.
User: What was the result of the encounter between US forces and the Sioux at Little Big Horn?
Weegy: The result of the encounter between US forces and the Sioux at Little Big Horn was: The United States forces under Custer were massacred.
User: How was the American federation of labor different from the Knights of labor?
Weegy: The American Federation of Labor (AFL) different from the Knights of Labor by: The AFL focused on organizing skilled workers.
User: What was the goal of populist movement?
Weegy: The goal of the Populist movement was: Graduated income tax.
User: What law did Theodore Roosevelt use to break up businesses that stood in the way of competition?
Weegy: Theodore Roosevelt used Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up businesses that stood in the way of competition.
User: What was accidentally given a boost with the prohibition of alcohol
Weegy: Organized crime was accidentally given a boost with the prohibition of alcohol.
User: What agreement ended world War 1