Weegy: 'The coffee shop was usually full, but today there were many open tables' is a compound sentence.
User: Which of the following is the clearest most effective sentence
Weegy: John's sister was the prettiest girl at the party. -is the clearest and most effective sentence.
User: Revision involves big picture issues such as
Weegy: Revision involves clarifying purpose and meaning.
User: which of the following audiences and occasions would lend itself to a formal style of writing
Weegy: A business report requested by your boss would lend itself to a formal style of writing.
User: Outlining and mapping are 2 ways of organizing your ideas during the stage of the writing process
Weegy: Outlining and mapping are two ways of organizing your ideas during the planning stage of the writing process.
User: Which of the following words is a superlative adjective