Weegy: Hodgkin?s disease is a malignant disorder of lymphatic tissue characterized by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes.
User: The largest artery in the body is the
Weegy: The largest artery in the body is the aorta.
User: The thick middle muscular layer of the heart is the _____
Weegy: The myocardium is the thick middle, muscular layer of the heart.
User: White blood cells that fight infections and respond to inflammation are called ____
Weegy: White blood cells that fight infections and respond to inflammation are called leukocytes.
User: In addition to its main function the digestive system also
Weegy: Both are correct. [ In addition to its main function, the digestive system also helps the body maintain fluids and regulate immune responses.
User: A canal that’s approximately five feet long and extends from the ileum to the anus is called the anus
Weegy: A canal that?s approximately five feet long and extends from the ileum to the anus is called the
large intestine.
User: The circulatory system is also known as the _____ system
Weegy: The circulatory system is also known as the _____ system.