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What does the excerpt of agua viva a sculpture by Alfred gonzalez tell us about the character of fredo
Weegy: It expresses his nearly subterranean sense of isolation and It illustrates how he leads an almost subhuman existence does this excerpt from Agua Viva, [ A Sculpture by Alfred Gonzalez tell us about the character of Filthy Fredo Gonzalez. ] (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 9:02:35 AM
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Apply the square root principle to solve (x – 3)2 + 9 = 0. Question 10 options: x = 3 + 3i, 3 – 3i x = 0, –6 x = 0, 6 x = –3 + 3i, –3 – 3i
Not Answered
Updated 2/23/2023 8:15:30 PM
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(x – 3)2 + 9 = 0; x = 3 - 3 i, x = 3 + 3 i.
Added 2/23/2023 8:15:30 PM
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Weegy: Hi, what is your question for us today? User: What is 3x + 4x + 7x + 12x? (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 10:07:44 AM
1 Answer/Comment
3x + 4x + 7x + 12x = 26x
Added 6/16/2022 10:07:44 AM
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What is 20 x 820
Weegy: 5600 (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 10:54:29 AM
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20 x 820 = 16400
Added 6/16/2022 10:06:41 AM
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Added 6/16/2022 10:54:29 AM
Combine like terms: 3x + 12x + 29x
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Updated 6/16/2022 10:06:05 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Combining like terms: 3x + 12x + 29x = 44x
Added 6/16/2022 10:06:05 AM
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Combine like terms: 12x + 30x + 12y
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Updated 6/16/2022 10:05:13 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Combining like terms: 12x + 30x + 12y = (12x + 30x) + 12y = 42x + 12y
Added 6/16/2022 10:05:13 AM
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What function should be used to display a value
Weegy: IF function should be used to display a value based on a comparison. (More)
Question|Asked by Peoplepurple
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 9:23:38 AM
0 Answers/Comments
What function should be used to display a value based on a comparison
Weegy: IF function should be used to display a value based on a comparison. (More)
Question|Asked by Peoplepurple
Expert Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 9:53:53 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The function that should be used to display a value based on a comparison is the IF function. The result of an if execution has two results. TRUE and False. If functions in Excel helps you to make logical comparisons between a value and what you expect.
Added 6/16/2022 9:53:53 AM
This answer has been flagged as incorrect.
Deleted by anthony23 [6/17/2022 12:46:22 AM]
I'm Good
Weegy: Do you have any question for Weegy? (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 9:52:55 AM
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Everyman is
Weegy: Everyman is the best surviving example of the type of Medieval drama known as the morality play. User: what is Everyman (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 11:24:59 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The everyman is a stock character in fiction. An ordinary and humble character, the everyman is generally a protagonist whose benign conduct fosters the audience's wide identification with him.
Added 6/16/2022 11:24:59 AM
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Kabir’s poetry was influenced by
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Updated 6/16/2022 11:08:07 AM
2 Answers/Comments
Kabir's poetry was influenced by Hinduism and Islam.
Added 6/16/2022 11:07:58 AM
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Kabir’s poetry was influenced by Hinduism and Islam.
Added 6/16/2022 11:08:07 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
A useful characteristic of money is that money
Weegy: A useful characteristic of money is that money allows us to compare the values of goods and services. (More)
Updated 19 days ago|12/30/2024 10:40:11 AM
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Why were the elections of 2000 and 2016 notable
Weegy: The winner of each election won despite losing the popular vote were notable of the elections of 2000 and 2016. (More)
Updated 10/24/2023 8:24:47 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act with the strongest support from
Weegy: Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act with the strongest support from Southerners. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 19 days ago|12/30/2024 10:40:53 AM
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Which of the following was a major economic content in the mid-1970s
Weegy: Inflation was a major economic concern in the mid- to late 1970s. User: Hi (More)
Question|Asked by Chelsea.lavish
Expert Answered
Updated 7/28/2023 2:45:39 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Acme direct funding Sloan package contains an additional acknowledgment certificate with instructions for the notary signing agent to sign and a fix a seal impression and return the certificate with the completed documents which of the following is the best course of action for the agent to take
Weegy: Acme Direct Funding's loan package contains an additional acknowledgement certificate with instructions for the Notary Signing Agent to sign and affix a seal impression and return the certificate with completed documents. [ The following is he best course of action for the agent to take: Refuse to sign and seal the Acknowledgement certificate. ] (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 11:28:59 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following is the best advice for writing your first draft?
Weegy: Writing is a conventional system of marks or signs that represents the utterances of a language. [ ] User: Outlining and mapping are two ways of organizing your ideas during the _____stage of the writing process. Weegy: Outlining and mapping are two ways of organizing your ideas during the planning stage of the writing process. User: Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are Weegy: Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are the: Occasion and the audience. User: Which of the following is a declarative sentence? Weegy: A declarative sentence is a sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). (More)
Updated 1/2/2024 12:33:49 AM
2 Answers/Comments
Get your ideas out first and worry about polishing them later is the best advice for writing your first draft.
Added 1/2/2024 12:33:35 AM
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The following is an example of a declarative sentence: My favorite television show has been renewed.
Added 1/2/2024 12:33:49 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
As farms began to decline in the late 1920s, which historical period began? a. Prohibition c. World War II b. The Great Depression d. The Civil Rights Movement
Weegy: As farms began to decline in the late 1920s, the Great Depression began. (More)
Updated 6/18/2022 1:47:22 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Why did US officials decided to leave saddam hussein in charge of Iraq after the persian gulf War?
Weegy: They feared that chaos would engulf Iraq in the absence of a strong leader, is why did US officials decide to leave Saddam Hussein in charge of Iraq after the Persian Gulf War. User: What does the hyde amendment of 1976 do? Weegy: The Hyde Amendment of 1976 bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape. (More)
Updated 7/28/2023 2:46:11 PM
0 Answers/Comments
These programs help those who are elderly, ill, or unemployed. a. FHA c. EPA b. JOBS programs d. social insurance
Weegy: These programs help those who are elderly, ill, or unemployed: social insurance. (More)
Updated 6/16/2022 1:23:31 PM
0 Answers/Comments
What does the excerpt of agua viva a sculpture by Alfred gonzalez tell us about the character of fredo
Weegy: It expresses his nearly subterranean sense of isolation and It illustrates how he leads an almost subhuman existence does this excerpt from Agua Viva, [ A Sculpture by Alfred Gonzalez tell us about the character of Filthy Fredo Gonzalez. ] (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 9:02:35 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Apply the square root principle to solve (x – 3)2 + 9 = 0. Question 10 options: x = 3 + 3i, 3 – 3i x = 0, –6 x = 0, 6 x = –3 + 3i, –3 – 3i
Not Answered
Updated 2/23/2023 8:15:30 PM
1 Answer/Comment
(x – 3)2 + 9 = 0; x = 3 - 3 i, x = 3 + 3 i.
Added 2/23/2023 8:15:30 PM
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Weegy: Hi, what is your question for us today? User: What is 3x + 4x + 7x + 12x? (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 10:07:44 AM
1 Answer/Comment
3x + 4x + 7x + 12x = 26x
Added 6/16/2022 10:07:44 AM
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What is 20 x 820
Weegy: 5600 (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 10:54:29 AM
2 Answers/Comments
20 x 820 = 16400
Added 6/16/2022 10:06:41 AM
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Added 6/16/2022 10:54:29 AM
Combine like terms: 3x + 12x + 29x
Not Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 10:06:05 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Combining like terms: 3x + 12x + 29x = 44x
Added 6/16/2022 10:06:05 AM
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Combine like terms: 12x + 30x + 12y
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Updated 6/16/2022 10:05:13 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Combining like terms: 12x + 30x + 12y = (12x + 30x) + 12y = 42x + 12y
Added 6/16/2022 10:05:13 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
What function should be used to display a value
Weegy: IF function should be used to display a value based on a comparison. (More)
Question|Asked by Peoplepurple
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 9:23:38 AM
0 Answers/Comments
What function should be used to display a value based on a comparison
Weegy: IF function should be used to display a value based on a comparison. (More)
Question|Asked by Peoplepurple
Expert Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 9:53:53 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The function that should be used to display a value based on a comparison is the IF function. The result of an if execution has two results. TRUE and False. If functions in Excel helps you to make logical comparisons between a value and what you expect.
Added 6/16/2022 9:53:53 AM
This answer has been flagged as incorrect.
Deleted by anthony23 [6/17/2022 12:46:22 AM]
I'm Good
Weegy: Do you have any question for Weegy? (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 9:52:55 AM
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Everyman is
Weegy: Everyman is the best surviving example of the type of Medieval drama known as the morality play. User: what is Everyman (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 11:24:59 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The everyman is a stock character in fiction. An ordinary and humble character, the everyman is generally a protagonist whose benign conduct fosters the audience's wide identification with him.
Added 6/16/2022 11:24:59 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Kabir’s poetry was influenced by
Not Answered
Updated 6/16/2022 11:08:07 AM
2 Answers/Comments
Kabir's poetry was influenced by Hinduism and Islam.
Added 6/16/2022 11:07:58 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Kabir’s poetry was influenced by Hinduism and Islam.
Added 6/16/2022 11:08:07 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
A useful characteristic of money is that money
Weegy: A useful characteristic of money is that money allows us to compare the values of goods and services. (More)
Updated 19 days ago|12/30/2024 10:40:11 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Why were the elections of 2000 and 2016 notable
Weegy: The winner of each election won despite losing the popular vote were notable of the elections of 2000 and 2016. (More)
Updated 10/24/2023 8:24:47 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act with the strongest support from
Weegy: Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act with the strongest support from Southerners. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 19 days ago|12/30/2024 10:40:53 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following was a major economic content in the mid-1970s
Weegy: Inflation was a major economic concern in the mid- to late 1970s. User: Hi (More)
Question|Asked by Chelsea.lavish
Expert Answered
Updated 7/28/2023 2:45:39 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Acme direct funding Sloan package contains an additional acknowledgment certificate with instructions for the notary signing agent to sign and a fix a seal impression and return the certificate with the completed documents which of the following is the best course of action for the agent to take
Weegy: Acme Direct Funding's loan package contains an additional acknowledgement certificate with instructions for the Notary Signing Agent to sign and affix a seal impression and return the certificate with completed documents. [ The following is he best course of action for the agent to take: Refuse to sign and seal the Acknowledgement certificate. ] (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6/16/2022 11:28:59 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Which of the following is the best advice for writing your first draft?
Weegy: Writing is a conventional system of marks or signs that represents the utterances of a language. [ ] User: Outlining and mapping are two ways of organizing your ideas during the _____stage of the writing process. Weegy: Outlining and mapping are two ways of organizing your ideas during the planning stage of the writing process. User: Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are Weegy: Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are the: Occasion and the audience. User: Which of the following is a declarative sentence? Weegy: A declarative sentence is a sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). (More)
Updated 1/2/2024 12:33:49 AM
2 Answers/Comments
Get your ideas out first and worry about polishing them later is the best advice for writing your first draft.
Added 1/2/2024 12:33:35 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
The following is an example of a declarative sentence: My favorite television show has been renewed.
Added 1/2/2024 12:33:49 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
As farms began to decline in the late 1920s, which historical period began? a. Prohibition c. World War II b. The Great Depression d. The Civil Rights Movement
Weegy: As farms began to decline in the late 1920s, the Great Depression began. (More)
Updated 6/18/2022 1:47:22 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Why did US officials decided to leave saddam hussein in charge of Iraq after the persian gulf War?
Weegy: They feared that chaos would engulf Iraq in the absence of a strong leader, is why did US officials decide to leave Saddam Hussein in charge of Iraq after the Persian Gulf War. User: What does the hyde amendment of 1976 do? Weegy: The Hyde Amendment of 1976 bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape. (More)
Updated 7/28/2023 2:46:11 PM
0 Answers/Comments
These programs help those who are elderly, ill, or unemployed. a. FHA c. EPA b. JOBS programs d. social insurance
Weegy: These programs help those who are elderly, ill, or unemployed: social insurance. (More)
Updated 6/16/2022 1:23:31 PM
0 Answers/Comments
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Describe how different genres of writing may require different ...
Weegy: A writ of certiorari is the legal document the Supreme Court issues when it agrees to hear a case. User: ...
1/13/2025 11:19:35 AM| 6 Answers
Explain the difference between an independent clause and a ...
Weegy: A subordinate clause, also called a dependent clause, consists of information to be combined with a main clause ...
1/15/2025 9:39:15 AM| 6 Answers
The right to bear arms is protected by which amendment? A) First ...
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Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II? A) Leon ...
Weegy: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, was the leader of the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia. User: ...
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Describe how African American literature during the Harlem ...
Weegy: The harlem renaissance started in the Harlem, New York. User: What impact did the Great Migration have on ...
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Identify the key components of the operations section in NIMS.
Weegy: The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a standardized approach to incident management developed by ...
1/14/2025 7:01:40 PM| 4 Answers
The number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively ...
Weegy: In NIMS, The number of subordinates that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident is referred to ...
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What is an example of the past perfect tense? a) I will have ...
Weegy: Homework, or a homework assignment, is a set of tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed ...
1/15/2025 9:42:52 AM| 4 Answers
Who was the author of "The Scarlet Letter"? A. Nathaniel Hawthorne B. ...
Weegy: Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist and short story writer. User: The Seneca Falls Convention was ...
1/17/2025 6:51:26 PM| 4 Answers
Which organelle is responsible for generating energy for the cell?
Weegy: An organelle is a tiny cellular structure that performs specific functions within a cell. User: What is the ...
1/18/2025 8:33:55 AM| 4 Answers
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