Weegy: Louisiana joined the union in 1810 as a slave state.
User: What did people bring with them as they moved west
Weegy: People brought their Culture and Belief with them as they moved west.
User: Who was elected because of his appeal to the common people
Weegy: Andrew Jackson was elected because of his appeal to the common people.
User: What power did Jackson use to keep congress in check
Weegy: Jackson used his power of VETO to keep Congress in check.
User: What cause did women work for in the mid 1800s
Weegy: The African American vote cause did women work for in the mid-1800s.
User: How did Jefferson acquire Louisiana territory
Weegy: Jefferson acquired Louisiana Territory by buying it from the French.
User: Which was the cause of the war of 1812
Weegy: The British declined to abandon their land holdings in the west. -was a cause of the War of 1812.
User: What was the United States role in international politics in the late 1700s
Weegy: American tried to remain despite neutral international war was the United States? role in international politics in the late 1700s.
User: What happened in the election of 1796
Weegy: There was a contested election but Adams won happened in the election of 1796.
User: What industry did politicians use to spread information about their own party and opponents
Weegy: Politicians used Newspapers to spread information about their own party and opponents.
User: Who constructed canals
Weegy: Private Investors constructed canals.
User: Where was the war of 1812 fought
Weegy: The War of 1812 was fought in the United States, Canada, and on the high seas.
User: Why were canals and railroads important to American development
Weegy: Canals and railroads were important to American development because it led to the expansion of markets, facilitated the movement of peoples, [ and altered the physical landscape.
User: How did the industrial revolution impact American economy ...