Weegy: When writing dialogue you should start a new paragraph with each new speaker.
User: Listing your ideas to generate a topic for your writing project is called
Weegy: Listing your ideas in order to generate a topic for your writing project is brainstorming.
User: At what stage in the writing process should you create the first draft of your thesis statement
Weegy: At Drafting stage in the writing process should you create the first draft of your thesis statement.
User: When using a direct quotations in your writing what should be placed outside the set of quotation marks
Weegy: When using direct quotations in your writing, a semicolon should be placed outside the set of quotation marks.
User: What are synonyms
Weegy: Synonym is a word or a word phase which has the exact or nearly the same meaning to the other.
User: What statements about vocabulary building is correct