Weegy: Quick Analysis feature of Excel allows you to automatically calculate common formulas with selected data.
User: which of these options would likely have a better playback experience in your presentation?
Weegy: A short movie clip that you embedded into the file. -would likely have a better playback experience in your presentation.
User: how many slides are present in a blank presentation
Weegy: 1 slide is present in a blank presentation.
User: you can select a what animation to control how an object leaves a slide
Weegy: You can select an exit effects animation to control how an object leaves a slide.
User: if you cant show your powerpoint presentation on a screen your best option is to
Weegy: A PowerPoint presentation is a collection of individual slides that contain information on a topic.
User: to activate the laser pointer what would you press and hold
Weegy: To activate the laser pointer, what would you press: Ctrl + left mouse button.
User: media files refer to which type of file
Weegy: Media files refer to AUDIO file.
User: you would like to past an existing table in a word document to your presentation. what happens if you select the embed past option?