Weegy: You are making omelettes, you should handle the eggs to keep omelettes safe by Take out only the number of eggs you expect to use in a short period of time and crack them as needed.
User: You can best prevent foodborne illness by
Weegy: You can prevent foodborne illness by: Wiping your hands frequently with a sanitizer cloth.
User: you can prevent foodborne illness by
Weegy: You can prevent foodborne illness through four easy steps: Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill. 1. Clean: Wash hands and surfaces often; 2. Separate: Don't cross-contaminate; 3. Cook: Cook to proper temperatures; 4. Chill: Refrigerate promptly. [ ]
User: You finish cutting up a raw chicken and put it in the oven to cook you should
Weegy: You finished cutting up a raw chicken and put it in the oven to cook. You should run the cutting board and knife through the dishwasher.
User: Do you have an infected cut on your hand that is swollen and red you
Weegy: You have an infected cut on your hand that is swollen and red. You should: Wash hands, put on a clean bandage, and cover it with a glove.
User: You have been sick with diarrhea what answer would he be excepted by the health department?
Weegy: You have been sick with diarrhea. [ The answer "The diarrhea has been gone for almost two days, so now you can go back to working with food" would be accepted by the Health Department.
User: you wake up, not feeling well, but you are scheduled to work. What symptoms would require you to stay home from work?
Weegy: You wake up not feeling well, but you are scheduled to work. Vomiting would require you to stay home from work.
User: Your coworker says he sick you