Weegy: Abolitionist John Brown was responsible for leading the violent Pottawatomie Creek Massacre in Kansas.
User: What name was given to fight over slavery and a Kansas territory in the mid-1800s
Weegy: "Bleeding Kansas" was the name given to the fight over slavery in the Kansas territory in the mid-1800s.
User: Why did many Southerners dislike Carpetbaggers
Weegy: Many Southerners dislike Carpetbaggers because: They took advantage of the political and economic chaos in the South after the Civil War.
User: What writing brought attention to slave life in the south during the mid-1800s
Weegy: Uncle Tom's Cabin brought attention to slave life in the South during the mid-1800's.
User: What names was given to the southern law that listed The way slaves were to be treated
Weegy: The name given to Southern laws that listed the ways slaves were to be treated was: Slave Code.
User: What was a goal of freeman bureau
Weegy: To help former slaves succeed in post civil war America was the goal of the Freedmen's Bureau.
User: What former slave brought attention to the issues of slavery through writings and speeches
Weegy: Frederick Douglass brought attention to the issue of slavery through writings and speeches.
User: Slave state legislator how more power in what part of Congress in the 1850s
Weegy: Slave state legislators had more power in The SENATE during the 1850s.
User: What was a result of the Kansas Nebraska act
Weegy: The falling apart of the Whig Party was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
User: Which of the following wasn’t an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war
Weegy: Mostly defending familiar territory was an advantage the South had over the North in the Civil War.
User: Which of the following was an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war