Weegy: The process to convert seawater into freshwater is known as desalination.
User: What is the oldest and most stable part of a continent?
A. Crust
B. Craton
C. Pluton
D. Shield
Weegy: Cratons are the oldest and most stable part of a continent.
User: When new clay sediment is deposited on top of old beach material, it's known as
A. transgression.
B. regression.
C. progression.
D. aggression.
Weegy: When new clay sediment is deposited on top of old beach material, it's known as Transgression.
User: The time units used by scientists to divide Earth's history are part of the
A. 24-hour model.
B. 360° latitude.
C. 180° longitude.
D. geologic time scale
Weegy: The time units used by scientists to divide Earth's history are part of the geologic time scale.
User: A natural resource that is mined for profit is called
A. topsoil.
B. ore.
C. aggregate.
D. sand.
Weegy: b)ore