Weegy: The combining form PHREN/O means Diaphragm.
A seven-year-old boy breaks his tibia and requires immobilization by a hard cast for six weeks until the break heals. A potential consequence of this therapy is atrophy of the
A. trapezius.
B. gastrocnemius.
C. serratus anterior.
D. pectoralis major
Weegy: A potential consequence of this therapy is atrophy of - A. gastrocnemius.
Which process involves the removal of thin layers of malignant growth and subsequent microscopic examination?
A. Electrodessication
B. Patch test
C. Xenograft
D. Mohs' surgery
What cellular process involves mitosis?
A. Growth
B. Specialization
C. Movement
D. Fertilization
Weegy: The cellular process that involves mitosis is growth.
The combining form OSTE/O means
A. bone.
B. cartilage.
C. muscle.
D. joint
Weegy: The combining form OSTE/O means D. bone.
The combining forms ARTHR/O and ARTICU/O mean
A. joint.
B. ligament.
C. sac.
D. muscle
Weegy: The combining forms ARTHR/O and ARTICU/O mean: JOINT.
The integumentary system is composed of the
A. stomach, liver, and spleen.
B. skin, hair, and nails.
C. bones and muscles.
D. kidneys and intestines
Weegy: The integumentary system is composed of the: A. skin, hair, and nails.
Which type of burn involves destruction of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers of the skin?
A. Second degree
B. Third degree
C. Zero degree
D. First degree
Weegy: Third degree burn involves destruction of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers of the skin.
The combining forms CUTANE/O and CUT/O mean
A. fat.
B. skin.
C. nails.
D. hair.
Weegy: The combining form cutane/o means skin.
Which of the following bones is part of the appendicular skeleton?
A. Sternum
B. ...