Weegy: A clip is a single media file, such as a photo, illustration, sound, or video.
User: A _______ is a specific design with coordinating colors, fonts and special effects
Weegy: A Document Theme is a specific design with coordinating colors, fonts, and special effects.
User: To display the on screen touch keyboard tap the touch keyboard button on the windows taskbar.
Weegy: To display the on-screen touch keyboard, tap the Touch Keyboard button on the Windows taskbar. TRUE.
User: The default slide layouts are set up in portrait orientation.
Weegy: The default slide layouts are set up in portrait orientation. FALSE. The default slide layouts are set up in LANDSCAPE orientation.
User: By default powerpoint ends a slide show with a black slide. TRUE or FALSE.
Weegy: By default, PowerPoint ends a slide show with a black slide. TRUE.
User: ______ are the alternate designs that exist for each theme
Weegy: Variants are the alternate designs that exist for each theme.