Weegy: C. Increase surface area for purposes of absorption. This best states the purpose of villi.
User: during plant development,one function of the cotyledon of a eudicot is to?
Weegy: Answer: One of the function of the cotyledon of a eudicot is
C. [ [ serve as a seed leaf to carry on photosynthesis.
A cotyledon (/k t li d n/; "seed leaf" from Greek: kotyl d n, gen.: kotyl donos, from kot l "cup, bowl") is a significant part of the embryo within the seed of a plant. Upon germination, the cotyledon may become the embryonic first leaves of a seedling.
] ]
User: annual rings in woody stems are caused by an increase in rings of the ?
Weegy: Annual rings in woody stems are caused by an increase in rings of the SECONDARY XYLEM.
User: Jenna says that an example of homeostasis is when body temperature is maintained at about 37 degree. Allen says homeostasis is when breathing rate increases along with exercise. who is correct?
Weegy: Jenna says that an example of homeostasis is when body temperature is maintained at about 37? C. Allen says homeostasis is when breathing rate increases along with exercise. BOTH are correct.
User: in the process of embryonic development, the _____ develops first.
Weegy: Embryonic development begins with fertilization, which is the process when male and female gametes fuse into one single cell.
User: which one of the following events occurs first in a nerve impulse?